sian lar later got tution lorh!!hate that bloody banana_javan so much lorh he is asshole lorh!!!think he is very clever...although he is!!!he so wat lorh....go fuck his munkee lar!!1
everyday i am tinking about her but does she when she is scolded by mdm chan i so xin tong and worried things will happened to her...i always think of the positive way....but things doesn't go so well i am so hurt!!*wish there is something that can end my life!!!and go into world where there is no hates but loveS...
i will continued to cut my hand and always hurt
HurtS!!fuck ofF!!
hurts alot man!!!sian la so lonly nobody pei me de!!!wish can be alone in the dark>>when can prelim and psle comes and finished???...fuck man sian sian sian sian sian!!...what happened to magdelene and eisabess??
I WAIt so long for u to come but u didnt hurts me so much sian!!just now i go down also nobody lorh diao....fcuking javan ALSO HAven come back!!!my hand so fucking damm swollen lorh fuck man!!!
TOday they went to mcdonald...javan urge me to go but i dun wan...just dun wanto go lorh,besides doing homework..and playing basketball...there also nnuthin to do...homework are coming on the way cos of the stupid prelim sian later go play nite then do homework lorh sian..wish that to leave JpS...sian dun wanto see my teachers and that liN lao shi idiot man!!wu yue wu gu ma wo>>>anyhow scold me idiot sian...must passed english this time if not die lorhs sianx...=.=nuthin to write le nobody cut their hand le hor mr wanto continued no matter how ppl consult me...i wouldnt change myself...thingdecided for me...i wouldnt back up..!!!go play basketball le haha sian....just finish bathing go play so weird]hahaAnti cutting for me[no ways]fuck off hurts
HUrts what is the different if i stead with magdelene..bad things started to come over and most of them i am involved!!Why?to me i dun think magdelene loves me alot..for wat eisabess and kelia said;magdelene show them how much she really love me just a bit!!i hurt by her again and again..but people said is i am the one who hurts her!!but i not just because of her attitude i wont hurt her..I really wantoi be with her..just to hold her hand but i cant!!cos of all her friends..i am really hurt by her attitude!!!!!i wish i can die and go into another world to spent my day!!HURTS FOREVer FUCk oFF!!
HURTs WHy CAnt HIm BElIEvE U mAybE OUR FRieNDSHIP GoiNG to BREak LORh<33fuck>
WaT ItaLy Win SIan LA CoS OF THe StUPiD ReFeReE!!!!
SIan WaStE mY tIme!!!
FUCk OFF<33 iF u HAte It<33
I AM HurT*aLwaYs*huRT
HEarTbReaKer SuX!!i HAtE HeR!!BEss BE CaREFuL i WilL NOt FOrGiVe u!! FUCK OFf!!!
BeSsY ROCKS mY lIFE!!! Click here to make Falling Objects